Hair transplant in Turkey

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Is it advisable to go for a hair transplant?

The first thought after seeing your hair fall is to have hair transplantation. But is it a great idea? Should you go for a hair transplant, or can it be dangerous?
Is it advisable to go for a hair transplant?
Is it advisable to go for a hair transplant?
A hair transplant to overcome hair fall and thinning problems is highly advisable. Why wouldn’t someone recommend a hair transplant? It gives you natural-looking hair and that too with minimal risks.
There are several benefits of hair transplants. Hence, it is advisable.
With advancements in technology and clinical tools, the success ratio for grafted hair follicles has increased beyond 95%. In fact, in some cases, the entire 100% grafts can grow to give you a natural look.
However, it is advised to consult with your surgeon before deciding on anything. Some people are not suitable for hair transplant surgery. If you are one of them, hair transplantation is not advisable.
People who are too old are not advised to undergo a hair transplant surgery because it can lead to an extended recovery period. This can further increase the chances of infection.
Moreover, people facing extensive hair loss, genetic issues, or medical conditions Diffuse Hair Loss and Alopecia Areata are not suitable for a hair transplant surgery.
If you don’t fall in those categories, it is advisable to go for a hair transplant to get back your natural-looking hair. You can opt between FUT, FUE, or DHI techniques. FUT is not highly recommended as the procedure can leave visible scars on your scalp.
FUT, FUE, and DHI are all advisable for a hair transplant but FUE and DHI are highly advisable
FUE and DHI are minimally invasive techniques and leave scars that are not visible. Hence, it would look like you have no scars after the transplant. However, the DHI procedure is a recently emerged technique where the surgeon uses a pen-shaped tool to extract follicles from the donor area and graft them to the recipient site. Hence, your surgeon needs to have experience handling the tool. Also, the DHI process can be costly. Hence, FUE is the most highly advisable technique for a hair transplant due to its minimally invasive and cost-effective nature.

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